4 Testimonials


November 25th 2014

Australian Farmers

Clean Healthy Australian Food Producers Equals Good Health


The Current approach towards farmers and their communities by the present Governments is Theft by Stealth, which is to remove farmers from their farms, and eventually from society.

The policies and legislation are a form of terrorism, as this approach is designed to target the lively hoods and destroy the opportunities for farmers to provide an income for their families, and deny all Australian’s the right to clean healthy Australian produce.

How would you react if your income was stolen from you, your children and your family?

How do you feel about being denied clean healthy Australian food produce in exchange for cheap and nasty imports?

This is a major health issue for every Australian. Your health, your children’s health will seriously be affected by this act of deception. I say that because we live in the times of the deceivers and the carriers of broken promises.

Four farmers take their lives each week, and there is no Royal Commission to investigate why, and who are – is responsible for allowing this to continue?

Royal Commissions have been established for aboriginal deaths in custody, Royal Commissions into childhood sexual abuse, which is happening now.

As an Aboriginal man I cannot understand why farmers have not been given a Royal Commission.

The fact that it has not been mentioned is absolutely cruel and shame full.

Failing to act on these suicides is condoning and contributing to them.

The failures that are been delivered in the form of Bureaucracy to farmers is costing this country greatly on a daily basis, and that’s not just in economic terms. This is economic nepotism, or in other words globalisation.

When big multi-nationals become bed fellows with Governments, Economic Dictatorship’s begin to emerge.

We the people’s the 99% are moved to poverty, the home of economic slavery.

Today we must start walking towards each other and walk together with open arms of love.  We can walk together as one, the diversity of one.

Farmers need our help now, our utmost support, we need to rise together, stand together, walk together and fight as one, the diversity of one.

Our farmers and their families who have provided us with healthy clean Australian Food Produce for the last 200 years, which has given us great health, are on the verge of been irradicated out of existence through Globalisation and Economic dictatorship.

If we lose our farmers, we all lose, and it’s our health where the loss will be.  We all have a right to good health and clean healthy Australian food produce.

I am committed to supporting our farmers and their rights to derive an income from their farm, and the right to providing clean healthy food produce for all Australian’s, it is in our health’s best interest.

If we fail to stand together to protect our farmers, that is an acknowledgement that your health, your children’s health is not that important.  It is of paramount importance and this is why, we as a diverse people’s must stand together with our farmers, and support our farmers.

We must call for legislation to be introduced to protect our farmers, and our clean healthy Australian food produce.

We need to put all Politician’s on notice and serve them with the termination of employment notice at the ballot box, this must be done in the spirit of good will as the quietest sounds can never be turned down they just grow louder.

 Thankyou in the spirit of good will

 Max Mansell

Aboriginal Artist



Feb 15th 2014

After only a couple of weeks, with chatting to my friend Ed, I received a referred phone call by the name of a gentleman Peter Manuel, working with Flag SA.
Peter took my story on as with verbal impact and extended an invitation to my wife Jodie and I to come along to a rally that was being held in victor Harbor in November.
After selling an Investment property to finance a bore that was sunk in 1999, on our farm at Wattle Flat to find out five years later that we were to learn our valuable water source, now deemed worthless without enough infrastructure to continue on our venture.
With this in mind, it sent me on a lonely path over the next six years, as whom ever I turned to, be it the mayor, neighbours or friends no support or direction was gained. It was as if I was staring into the calm reflections of a calm pond.
Well what we learnt at that rally, to see our country fellowmen, their families and there properties of generations just wiped from the slate by beaurocratic red tape. Each story that unfolded that day from farmers all over Australia were full impact, gut wrenching, disappointment that would leave any man's tears with a taste of blood and steel.
Examples: such as misconceived in agricultural ventures, Intrusion on land holders for the purpose of international mining companies, with greedy mind sets with intention of nothing but keeping their stake holders happy, with ongoing blasting of our coal seems in search of more resources.
Failure of farmers supporting other farmers, by the manipulation of government influence. These examples would be the understanding of these property owners being forced off their land, or even more extreme as far as taking their own lives. It's sad we never learn the statistics.
To the rest of our country men, farmers, and primary producers ask yourselves this could you look at these beautiful people and as you make out the colors of their distinctive eyes, tell them that you would have been their for them, you could have been there for them, or you were there for them ???. And as the latch of the entrance gate is latched for the last time, into the distance of a dusty track as the land cruises leaves is a dusty track.
So how insignificant my concerns become after learning about what is happening to others. Eventually I got to meet Peter, who had been following my case and other members of Flag Australia, along with Honorable Ann Bressington, who also packs a mean punch when it comes to protecting and ensuring that our Primary Producers hold onto what is rightfully theirs.
Over the next two and half years up to the present I was guided through a series of meetings and legal proceedings, alongside Peter Manuel, one of the most passionate gentlemen I have ever met. Along with Peter and Ann and the understanding Mr. Martin Stokes, I would like to sincerely thank them for taking up my case and giving me their valuable time to ensure my family and me of a fair result that all involved are all satisfied.

Tony Willsmore
PO Box 426
Yankalilla SA 5203


November 2013 - Philip Goode.  ( beef producer in the Sthn. Fleurieu region)

Over countless years, many of us in the farming sector have watched on as representation for our industry
has withered further and further with seemingly little or no political enthusiasm for the protection
of any food producing business.
Often we find ourselves battling with constant bureaucratic hurdles and challenges.
One such challenge I had recently was with The Dept. of Environment, Water and Natural Resources over stock and domestic dam licensing and capacity.

It was a very great relief when I was made aware of the FLAG organisation and the vigour of support offered by Peter Manuel to make sure I was strongly represented and supported through the challenge I made to registration.

True to their word, FLAG became my back up, my supporter and made sure, through the negotiation process, I had a strong voice,in Peter, insisting a fair outcome was achieved.

Thank you FLAG and Peter for giving me the support group that previously I thought had long vanished.
With that support my challenge was successful.